Archives of Think

Mothering: Teaching Fifth Graders

To mother is to hold space for another to exist. It’s what our very bodies tell us in the hollow of our wombs. The physicality of this attribute carries over to the emotional needs of others, too; there are all kinds of ways to make a place for another’s mind, heart, body, spirit. Each time […]

Fall 2021: from the editor

A few years ago at the end of my semester of student teaching, I wrote a manifesto for my high school students, encouragement for how I hoped they would live their lives. I made it into a sign for them to hang in their classroom. I also made myself one, and it has become my […]

Dating App or Dating Game?

By Jasmine Jones “I’m talking to this guy…” my friend responds after I ask her what’s new. “Oh, is this the social science major?” “No, this one’s new,” she says while showing me a picture of a generic, emaciated white boy on her phone. “Doesn’t he look like Timothée Chalamet?” Her eyes beg me to […]

On Anger: What women in books, songs, movies and life have taught me

Anger is something I’ve been thinking about and experiencing lately. It’s an emotion pervading our country right now, and because of that, in many cases and in many ways, I believe, pervading our private lives, too. It is an emotion that, left untransformed, can cause disorder and darkness. I don’t want to live like that.  […]


Here is what the painting looks like: a pipe, black at the top where the mouth goes, then brown around the curve into the bowl, light illuminating the bend like the sun on a river from 8,000 feet up. Below the pipe, in black — precise, cursive letters — the words: “Ceci n’est pas une […]

From the Editor: Beginnings

I didn’t know how to start this letter, how to open up this issue of the magazine.  It is one of my pet peeves when people start a speech by saying that. I always think, no one knows what to do before they put thought into it; tell us not about the wrestling with the […]

Night and Day

My husband and I are very different. If you know us well, that statement doesn’t come as a big surprise. But for those who don’t, it’s like night and day. Literally. He loves to stay up late and is energized by being around people. I love to get up early and have quiet time by […]

Leaving, Carrying and Growing

By Courtney Anderson Teams What do you do when your whole life you wear cranberry,  and cheer for the home team, and eat creamed onions at Thanksgiving, and yell at the wonderful old building and loan, and then one day — Or was it really slowly over 453 days — You don’t anymore?   Now, […]

Meet Along the Way: Tatyana Lipskaya

Women do incredible things. This section features the stories of women who are a part of the Southeast Missouri community by way of living here, being from here or passing through. We hope these stories inspire you to connect with others and that they encourage you to be who you are in the world. We […]