Archives of Art

Childlike Wonder: It’s summertime — have fun!

Modeling by Altyn Timlin Photos and art direction by Aaron Eisenhauer Intro, styling and art direction by Mia Pohlman Long stretches of pretending to be spies or riding bikes in driveway circles or reading Harry Potter outside under the tree with our sib- lings, sweat matting locks of hair to our necks, a timelessness of […]

Artist Spotlight: Ash Durrance

Intro and interview by Amanda Flinn Ash Durrance is an artist who comes from a long line of creative women. Raised in Orlando, Fla., Durrance’s moth- er worked as a costume manager at Disney, crafting her own party invitations and painting mermaids in her spare time. Durrance’s grandmother created miniature bears — Teddy Roosevelt was […]

Artist Spotlight: Kate Cooper

Intro and interview by Erin Urhahn Kate Cooper is a local portrait artist attending Southeast Missouri State University who is inspired by people, nature and simplicity. With roots seven generations deep in Bloomfield, Mo., she’s learned from her family how to embrace the farming lifestyle and remain open-minded. She’s chosen to stay in this place […]

meet along the way: Shirlee Wilson and Fred Jones

This story was first published in the Winter 2023 issue of mind + body as “‘Sugarhouse:’ Local couple creates feature-length film to share message of hope.” Wife and husband filmmakers Shirlee Wilson and Fred Jones of Jackson co-directed their first feature-length film “Sugarhouse” in Perry and Cape Girardeau Counties in Southeast Missouri, as well as […]

Make Paint with Monica Foltz

When she was three years old, nurses noticed Monica Foltz’s aptitude for painting while she spent time in the hospital. They suggested to her parents that they put her in art lessons, and as the youngest of art teacher Brenda Seyer’s students, Foltz began her lifelong journey with and love for creating. Foltz says even […]

Artist Spotlight: Phyllis Johnson

Phyllis Johnson, originally from Caruthersville, Mo., now lives the retired life in Cape Girardeau making quilts and watching Hallmark Movies & Mysteries on television. If it was possible, she would quilt around the clock, designing patterns, piecing patches and hand stitching it all together with her lap frame. With four children, 13 grandchildren and 21 […]

Making an Art Journaling Page with Ann Flowers Gosser

Ann Flowers Gosser started making art as a child and decided in high school “there was no question” it’s what she wanted to continue to do in college. As an art major at Murray State University in Murray, Ky., she studied printmaking and then went to graduate school at Northern Illinois University to study printmaking. […]

Sew with Rachel Bohnert

When Rachel Bohnert looked at a damaged quilt her great-grandmother Emma Steffens had made, she saw how it could be repurposed into a jacket to give it new life. After convincing her mother to let her cut it up, she sewed a jacket for herself from it, as well as a vest. “It’s amazing that […]

Parents and Kids: Let’s Make Something Together

It’s fun to spend time with your little person, and they love receiving your attention, too. Here’s a fun activity you can do with the child(ren) in your life to cultivate conversation, critical thinking, movement, artistry and imagination.  Found Object Wreath Materials needed:  Paper plate Scissors Hot glue sticks Hot glue gun Yarn Found objects […]

Visual Telephone: Three photographers, one project.

This is a game of photography telephone, and here’s how it works: flourish photographer Aaron Eisenhauer took a photo and passed it along to photographer Kelly Downes. Then, Kelly took a photo that related to Aaron’s photo in some way, either in subject matter or in a formal element such as composition, style, color, etc., […]