Archives of Lifestyle

Traversing Motherhood

By Missy Nieveen Phegley “Can I go to Colorado?” my 19-year-old daughter texted late one night. I had planned a trip to the mountains to visit friends, but I couldn’t imagine that my daughter, who regularly tells me she’s grown and can make her own decisions when I start (s)mothering too much, would want to […]

meet along the way: Connie Blechle

Women do incredible things. Here, we feature the stories of women who are a part of the Southeast Missouri community by way of living here, being from here or passing through. We hope these stories inspire you to connect with others and that they encourage you to be who you are in the world. We […]

Coffee Talk: Sisters Discuss Life of More Than 10 Decades Together

It’s the small moments in life that people remember and talk about. Not the big events like the Great Depression or the Spanish Flu or the first time they rode in a car, no. It’s the kind of coffee their dad always drank, the games they played with their brothers and sisters while growing up, […]

Meet Along the Way: Caroline Thompson

Women do incredible things. Here, we feature the stories of women who are a part of the Southeast Missouri community by way of living here, being from here or passing through. We hope these stories inspire you to connect with others and that they encourage you to be who you are in the world. We […]

Meet Along the Way: Ellen Gipson

Women do incredible things. Here, we feature the stories of women who are a part of the Southeast Missouri community by way of living here, being from here or passing through. We hope these stories inspire you to connect with others and that they encourage you to be who you are in the world. We […]

Meet Along the Way: Sarah Geringer

Women do incredible things. This section features the stories of women who are a part of the Southeast Missouri community by way of living here, being from here or passing through. We hope these stories inspire you to connect with others and that they encourage you to be who you are in the world. We […]

Meet Along the Way: Sherry Cantrell

Women do incredible things. This section features the stories of women who are a part of the Southeast Missouri community by way of living here, being from here or passing through. We hope these stories inspire you to connect with others and that they encourage you to be who you are in the world. We […]

Dear Self

A few things you’ll learn when you move halfway across the globe By Alexis Engelhart I made a selfish choice. I packed my bags, kindly and quickly — due to a last-minute decision — said my goodbyes, and sipped on that American Airlines red wine all the way to China. To do what? I had […]

Homage to the Women

For those who came before us Sometimes it can be easy to forget that the privileges we experience today are the fruit of the hard-earned battles of the women who lived before us, that the battles we are able to participate in now are because of the groundwork they laid. It can be easy to […]

5 Movies to Watch

The important things in life to me are often the small things. The movies that are my favorite are no different; they are my favorite because they contain a relatable moment, a character, actress, line or emotion that I understand, that strikes me with beauty and originality, that teaches me to think in a new […]