Archives of How-to

Make Paint with Monica Foltz

When she was three years old, nurses noticed Monica Foltz’s aptitude for painting while she spent time in the hospital. They suggested to her parents that they put her in art lessons, and as the youngest of art teacher Brenda Seyer’s students, Foltz began her lifelong journey with and love for creating. Foltz says even […]

Making an Art Journaling Page with Ann Flowers Gosser

Ann Flowers Gosser started making art as a child and decided in high school “there was no question” it’s what she wanted to continue to do in college. As an art major at Murray State University in Murray, Ky., she studied printmaking and then went to graduate school at Northern Illinois University to study printmaking. […]

Sew with Rachel Bohnert

When Rachel Bohnert looked at a damaged quilt her great-grandmother Emma Steffens had made, she saw how it could be repurposed into a jacket to give it new life. After convincing her mother to let her cut it up, she sewed a jacket for herself from it, as well as a vest. “It’s amazing that […]

Parents and Kids: Let’s Make Something Together

It’s fun to spend time with your little person, and they love receiving your attention, too. Here’s a fun activity you can do with the child(ren) in your life to cultivate conversation, critical thinking, movement, artistry and imagination.  Found Object Wreath Materials needed:  Paper plate Scissors Hot glue sticks Hot glue gun Yarn Found objects […]

3 tips for plant care from Christy Smith, The Plant Lady

1. Make sure you get the right plant for the right light. “It’s very disheartening to take care of plants that aren’t thriving in the right light and right environment, because no matter what you do, it’s a failing process [if they don’t have the correct light]. So, if you want a happy, healthy plant, […]

Bloom: Arrange flowers like the professionals

By Jennifer Goodman Fresh flowers can help any place feel like home. Want to treat yourself and teach yourself a new hobby? Go out and gather some flowers, put those babies in a vase, and enjoy the beauty of the bloom.  Of course, we can’t stop there. Arranging flowers takes skill, creativity and a little […]

Eating Together: Lisa Essmyer

I love nourishing people with food that not only tastes good but also looks good and is good for you! I want to make food with all of the nutrition, color and flavor — that is my ultimate goal. Cooking for people is one of the ways I show people I care about them. There’s […]

Eating Together: Maria Wade

When I was a young child of seven years, I learned cooking from my mother. We would make Miranda (snacks) to take to various places like construction sites and to the river where there were lots of people swimming or washing their clothes and sell them so we could make money for our family. This […]

Eating Together: Stephenie Gardiner

With baking, I love that I can take some pretty normal, sometimes bland, things, put them together, and out comes something so mouthwateringly tasty! It’s always fun to have those “use what I have” days and see what I can come up with. I also love that most life is done around food and drink. […]
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