Archives of Health

meet along the way: Mildred Wilson

By Kristin Thomas This story was first published in the March 2021 issue of “The Best Years (TBY).” Mildred Wilson of Sikeston, Mo., has always enjoyed physical challenges and competitions. Throughout the past three years, she has competed in a Tough Mudder and a Conquer the Gauntlet race. She knows what it takes to train, […]

More Girls on Bikes: Making space for the women

“More girls on bikes.” That’s the motto and goal of Girls Riding Together (GRiT), a program created by the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA) specifically for female mountain bike student-athletes. The national organization has chapters all across the U.S., teaching mountain biking skills and the joys of being part of a cycling community to young […]

Chics Dig Bikes: Get riding.

When Dawn LaRue started cycling five years ago, she couldn’t find a group of people to ride with on the road. Then, in May 2019, she decided to do something about that, and founded Chics Dig Bikes, a cycling group for women who want to ride bikes and learn how to ride on the road […]

Taking Up Space: Claim your place in the world.

By Maggie Salem The word “yoga” means “union:” the union of the physical and the mental, the gross and the subtle, the external and the internal. For me, yoga has become a union of my body to my self. When I began my yoga practice, my excuse was purely physical. I had the normal aches […]

meet along the way: Mitzie Seger

Women do incredible things. This section features the stories of women who are a part of the Southeast Missouri community by way of living here, being from here or passing through. We hope these stories inspire you to connect with others and that they encourage you to be who you are in the world. We […]

Health + Beauty: Feel Good on Your Wedding Day

By Madeline Grimm So, it happened. You’re engaged! And you are starting to plan your dream wedding. The flowers, the venue, the cake — it all has to be perfect. And suddenly, you find yourself seeking out ways to make yourself as perfect as the day will be.  Well, I have some news for you: […]

Walking Main Street: Sometimes, It’s Nice to Meander

By Rachael Long Fifty-five stairs lead from Spanish Street to the historic Cape Girardeau Common Pleas Courthouse. Sixty-one, if you count the last six steps leading up to the structure’s glass doors.  That number has become permanently stamped in my brain because each time I walk those steps, I count them. It’s a distraction to […]

Meet Along the Way: Ellen Gipson

Women do incredible things. Here, we feature the stories of women who are a part of the Southeast Missouri community by way of living here, being from here or passing through. We hope these stories inspire you to connect with others and that they encourage you to be who you are in the world. We […]

What’s In for Skin: A Guide for Summer

By Taylor A. Dumars We can attest to the fact that skin is in! New products and methods to maintain a healthy glow are all the rage. Healthy skin is often a symbol of self-care. Here are three tips for taking care of your skin this summer:   Get the recommended levels of vitamin C. […]

Canning Green Beans With Shirley Buchheit

Preservation is an act of hope. It is an act of strength and will. It is an act of organization, good planning and looking to the future. Here, Shirley Buchheit from Apple Creek, Missouri, teaches us how to can green beans, a traditionally female activity we want to pass on and preserve. We hope her […]