Archives of Fashion

Childlike Wonder: It’s summertime — have fun!

Modeling by Altyn Timlin Photos and art direction by Aaron Eisenhauer Intro, styling and art direction by Mia Pohlman Long stretches of pretending to be spies or riding bikes in driveway circles or reading Harry Potter outside under the tree with our sib- lings, sweat matting locks of hair to our necks, a timelessness of […]

Hand-me-downs: A lineage of women in my wardrobe

By Jasmine Jones Clothing is made up of lines: Threads weave into fabric. Pieces connect by stitches. Hems tidy the ends, neatly bordering wrists and ankles. Our wardrobes are piles and rows and drawers full of lines. In certain items — the hand-me-downs — another form of line exists: that of our lineage. These items […]

Paper Dolls: Design your own

When I was younger, I loved playing with paper dolls. I loved the beautiful colors and patterns of the clothes, finding new ways to match and mismatch skirts and shirts and pants, imagining the possibilities they represented. Now, paper dolls interest me because they convey more than the trendy clothing styles of a time period: […]

Movement: At one with nature

Photos by Aaron Eisenhauer Words by J’Nae Howard Modeling by De’Vontae Graham, J’Nae Howard and Rebecca Zwick Throughout this collaboration, we discovered the ways our world moves and how to move within it. As we emulate our surroundings through dance, we learn our movement is like nature as we connect with it. We learn our […]

meet the model: J’Nae Howard

Tell us about … Your favorite place to dance:  Most definitely my bedroom. The space may be smaller than a studio, but it’s super cozy, and it is my safe haven.   A time you moved to a new place: The first time I moved to a new place was when I moved into a […]

meet the model: De’Vontae Graham

Tell us about… Your favorite place to dance: My favorite place to dance is anywhere with a mirror in front of me.  A time you moved to a new place: I am from St. Louis and came to Cape Girardeau for college. Being in the circus: The circus was my home away from home. I […]

meet the model: Rebecca Zwick

Tell us about … Your favorite place to dance: My favorite place to dance right now would have to be the Donald C. Bedell Performance Hall on the River Campus at Southeast Missouri State University. It is such a special space that is so rare to have the opportunity to perform on. I am fortunate […]

Body Language

Photos by Aaron Eisenhauer Words by Mia Pohlman Modeling and styling by Kara Filbeck and Parker Bond Here, we explore the ways women and men are taught to embody body language differently, as well as the ideals subconsciously encoded in the ways we are taught to be in our bodies. May our models, by performing […]

meet the model: Parker Bond

Tell us about …   something you love to do: I love to play music. It’s the first thing I can remember truly loving. your favorite place in the world: My favorite place is a tough one, but I think it’s somewhere like my Pawpaw’s shop growing up. Really, any place I can spend quality […]

meet the model: Kara Filbeck

Tell us about …   something you love to do: I love to dip dark chocolate Oreos into hot Vietnamese coffee. your favorite place in the world: My favorite place in the world is lying on the bed of a truck, driving through the mountains near Chiang Mai where I grew up. one of your […]