spark: Naiah Carothers
A ritual that is important to me is every morning when I leave for school, I have to kiss my baby brother Kobe because I love him. It makes ...
spark: Tori Mincemeyer
I love taking some time in the mornings, especially at the beginning of the week, to enjoy a coffee and write down my intention for the day,...
Part of the Process
The way we farm matters. By Emily Scifers As dawn starts to creep over the horizon, I pull my aching body out of bed. Yesterday’s planti...
Books that put a fun spin on libraries and their roles
Curated for The Tote by flourish by Kayla Thompson, Adult Services, Cape Girardeau Public Library Though I may be slightly biased, it is alw...
letter from the editor, Spring 2021
“I want an adult to tell me it’s hard to be a teenager.” My friend Erin, an incredible young person, said this to me over the summer. ...
The Next Voices: Here. Literary Magazine
By Mia Timlin As the screaming voices of screens, social media and technology get louder and louder, it’s becoming more important teenager...
The Next Voices: Central Academy Press
By Trinitee “TeeTee” Johnson “You get to write about things that matter to you.” Ms. DeWitt said this phrase on day one in...
On Anger: What women in books, songs, movies and life have taught me
Anger is something I’ve been thinking about and experiencing lately. It’s an emotion pervading our country right now, and because of tha...