Archives of Think

from the editor: Summer 2023, “nostalgia”

We didn’t get tickets to Taylor Swift’s “Eras” tour. We tried really hard, but we were 11,000 and some people back in the Ticketmaster queue, and it didn’t happen. So, instead, we decided to dress up as our favorite T. Swift era, make our own playlist of our favorite Taylor Swift songs from each album […]

Reflections: Trans-Atlantic Homes of an Expat Child

By Chloe Wightman Dover, Delaware, USA 5 years old Lazy Sundays on a gritty East Coast beach, or racing through a tube slide into a turquoise pool. Running through wildflowers, hands dripping with amber sap, or rummaging through dusty antiques. That familiar twinge of anxiety when somersaulting off the beam, or writing letters to my […]

from the editor: Spring 2023, “ask”

Writing teaches me to be bold. It’s a free pass to seek out people who can help me learn about topics I’m interested in, to talk with compelling people and to ask questions I’m wondering about. It helps me to step outside of my comfort zone, to act on my curiosity. And that transfers to […]

Meeting IRL: An afternoon with a stranger from social media

By Jasmine Jones At some point during college, I followed Emma Fritsche on Instagram. I can’t remember exactly when. I click so many profiles in such a short amount of time, I don’t realize I’m following someone until their photo shows up in my feed, and I think, “Who is this person?” I’d like to […]

from the editor, Winter 2022: Interact

For a long time, I was hesitant to claim the title “writer;” I thought I maybe kind of sort of was, but I wasn’t sure. I wrote. And I wanted to be. A writer. When I saw or heard or read others whose published work amazed me, I would feel it. This gnawing inside of […]

This Book Changed Me: Reflecting on the power of words

I have loved books ever since I memorized Dr. Seuss’ “Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?” at age two and fell in love with “Itchy Itchy Chicken Pox” and “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” at age five. I loved the rhythm of the words placed next to each other, how they sounded and felt coming out […]

Paper Dolls: Design your own

When I was younger, I loved playing with paper dolls. I loved the beautiful colors and patterns of the clothes, finding new ways to match and mismatch skirts and shirts and pants, imagining the possibilities they represented. Now, paper dolls interest me because they convey more than the trendy clothing styles of a time period: […]