Archives of Lifestyle

3 tips for plant care from Christy Smith, The Plant Lady

1. Make sure you get the right plant for the right light. “It’s very disheartening to take care of plants that aren’t thriving in the right light and right environment, because no matter what you do, it’s a failing process [if they don’t have the correct light]. So, if you want a happy, healthy plant, […]

Chasing Childlike Wonder: Go ahead, have some fun.

Growing up, my family has always had a habit of pointing out personality traits in others; thanks, Aunt Betty, I would have never known I was sensitive if you hadn’t told me 14 Thanksgivings in a row. But after 40+ years, I’ve grown to accept it, and most of the time, what is said doesn’t […]

Where We’re From: Maria Sheikh

We all want a place to call home. A place where we fit in, feel loved and can put down roots. But home is so much more than a building or location. Home can be transient, on-the-go and span thousands of miles across the ocean. It is inside us and all around us, too. It […]

Where We’re From: Paula Givens

We all want a place to call home. A place where we fit in, feel loved and can put down roots. But home is so much more than a building or location. Home can be transient, on-the-go and span thousands of miles across the ocean. It is inside us and all around us, too. It […]

Where We’re From: The Sutterer Family

We all want a place to call home. A place where we fit in, feel loved and can put down roots. But home is so much more than a building or location. Home can be transient, on-the-go and span thousands of miles across the ocean. It is inside us and all around us, too. It […]

Welcome, Friends: Create a hospitable guest room

By Jasmine Jones A guest room is more than a bed for visitors to sleep on. It’s a place for visitors to relax, rejuvenate, exist — to feel at home away from home. Even the smallest guest rooms can feel like home with the right added touches and attention to detail.  The Downtown Guesthouse showcases […]

Eating Together

A meal starts with a desire: to eat and be nourished. To know and be known. To slow down and grow in body, spirit and mind. In his book “The Supper of the Lamb: A Culinary Reflection,” Robert Farrar Capon teaches us how to have a dinner party. His main theme — from the guest […]

Eating Together: Lisa Essmyer

I love nourishing people with food that not only tastes good but also looks good and is good for you! I want to make food with all of the nutrition, color and flavor — that is my ultimate goal. Cooking for people is one of the ways I show people I care about them. There’s […]