All posts of Amanda Flinn

meet along the way: Tamatha Crowson

Women do incredible things. Here, we feature the stories of women who are a part of the Southeast Missouri community by way of living here, being from here or passing through. We hope these stories inspire you to connect with others and that they encourage you to be who you are in the world. We […]

meet along the way: Christine and Tyson Jaegers

Women do incredible things. Here, we feature the stories of women who are a part of the Southeast Missouri community by way of living here, being from here or passing through. We hope these stories inspire you to connect with others and that they encourage you to be who you are in the world. We […]

Night and Day

My husband and I are very different. If you know us well, that statement doesn’t come as a big surprise. But for those who don’t, it’s like night and day. Literally. He loves to stay up late and is energized by being around people. I love to get up early and have quiet time by […]

Meet Along the Way: Caroline Thompson

Women do incredible things. Here, we feature the stories of women who are a part of the Southeast Missouri community by way of living here, being from here or passing through. We hope these stories inspire you to connect with others and that they encourage you to be who you are in the world. We […]

These Women Jam

It’s time you met the Cape Girardeau Roller Derby Team.   Inclusivity. Empowerment. Community. These are just three of the words that describe the Cape Girardeau Roller Derby (CGRD) team, a team that has been active in Southeast Missouri since 2010. While their mission is to develop sportsmanship and athleticism through challenges on and off […]

Ink: Suzuyo Rust

We all have a story to tell. A way that we engage with the world, or the way the world engages with us. While some paint or play music, others draw, sculpt or write. But inside each of us is a soul destined to create, to make something beautiful, to tell our story with the […]

Ink: Amanda Hester

We all have a story to tell. A way that we engage with the world, or the way the world engages with us. While some paint or play music, others draw, sculpt or write. But inside each of us is a soul destined to create, to make something beautiful, to tell our story with the […]

Ink: Jessica Lambert

We all have a story to tell. A way that we engage with the world, or the way the world engages with us. While some paint or play music, others draw, sculpt or write. But inside each of us is a soul destined to create, to make something beautiful, to tell our story with the […]

From Grandma to Granddaughter to Great-Great-Granddaughter

Let’s hear it for matrilineality. “It’s just an old teacup,” says Glenda Heiden of Jackson, Missouri, as she describes the delicate cup and saucer that has been passed down to her from her granny. “It has cracks in it. It’s not much to see.” And she’s right. To someone outside her family, this teacup would […]

So, You Wanna Get Married?

Congratulations. You just signed up for a marathon. Marriage is like running a marathon. Not a runner? No problem. Anyone can do it. There is no special formula, just a willingness to work hard and an ability to adapt to whatever comes your way. As you run, there will be days when you feel like […]