Archive of month: August 2024

Sponsored Content: Options for Women, Help for Families Medical Directory

Leah Schrum RN, BGS, MPA Options for Women, Help for Families Options for Women, Help for Families, is a nonprofit committed to supporting individuals and families facing unplanned pregnancies. We offer free services, including pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, parenting education and material support. Our expert team provides personalized support and resources, ensuring clients receive compassionate care […]

Sponsored Content: Jackson Healing Arts Medical Directory

Dr. Philip Pappas Jackson Healing Arts Dr. Philip Pappas has been a devoted chiropractor since 1999. Growing up with a wellness-focused mindset, he founded Jackson Healing Arts in 2006 to enhance his patients’ overall health and quality of life. Since then, the practice has expanded to offer a variety of services, including regenerative medicine, allergy […]

Lack of Women in Medical Studies Creates Barriers to Healing

Often throughout history, women’s pain has either been dismissed, found to have an unknown cause, or labeled by the medical system as hysteria or mental illness. This is in part due to cultural taboos that surround talking about women’s bodies and in part due to our health care system’s historical bias against women. Historically, male […]

Medical Journeys: Dr. Rina Patel-Jerls, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Dr. Rina Patel-Jerls ate a lot of sugar. She often had cravings for carbohydrates and felt tired. She gained a lot of weight, and her face was swollen and puffy from insulin resistance. A doctor diagnosed Rina with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in 2021. Rina, who is a pediatric and prenatal chiropractor, wondered how she […]

Medical Journeys: Jessica Kruger, endometriosis

When Jessica Kruger started menstruating in fifth grade, her periods weren’t regular, and she experienced heavy cramping, often missing school when she was on her period because of pain and bleeding through her clothes. Her primary care doctor told her it was normal and put her on birth control, which masked the problem. “I didn’t […]

Medical Journeys: Angie Runnels, menopause

Approximately 10 years ago when Angie Runnels was 45, a gynecologist found a polyp on Angie’s right ovary. During surgery, the doc- tor diagnosed Angie with endometriosis, and removed the ovary because the polyp and ovary were intertwined. After the surgery, Angie found out her right ovary had been the one ovulating each month; without […]

Sponsored Content: Prioritizing Health for Our Furry Friends

Sponsored Content By Stacy Busch-Heisserer In our quest for healthier living, we often overlook the dietary needs of our pets. As convenience and processed foods dominate human diets, similar trends have infiltrated pet nutrition. But as we learn more about the negative effects of ultra-processed diets on ourselves, it’s time to reconsider what we feed […]

Our Relationship to Our Bodies: Janet L. Cannon

By Janet L. Cannon Yoga is a wonderful way to become more physically and mentally aware of what my body needs. Learning to push my boundaries while accepting my limitations is a concept I use with all of my clients and in all of my classes. It’s also a concept we can use in daily […]

Our Relationship to Our Bodies: Jowairia Khalid

By Jowairia Khalid In Islam, we’re taught to prioritize our physical and mental health, and both go hand-in-hand. Islam means peace, so peace within the world, our relationships, but also within ourselves. We believe our bodies are a gift from God, and to take care of them is a form of worship. Ensuring I nourish […]

Our Relationship to Our Bodies: Nyla Vance and Nova Brown

Nyla Vance (Right) flourish: What is your favorite thing about yourself? Nyla Vance: My brain. What do you like about it? I like how — I don’t know. I don’t like Earth, I only like God.  What is your favorite thing about your sister? When she plays with me.  What is beautiful about your sister? […]