Art for You: Purple Sun

Canvas, heavy body acrylic with purple embroidery floss

Kaleigh Oliver

This piece titled “Purple Sun” is a celebration of creation and the unique beauties of the world. I created this piece as an ode to the creativity of the Lord. It’s a joy as a creator to be able to enjoy the awe-inspiring majesty of the ultimate Creator and translate little everyday wonders like the sunrises and the uniqueness of individuals who are featured in this canvas to all of my work.

Using heavy body acrylics and embroidery on the canvas helps add dimension and texture to my art that mirrors that of the real world. “Purple Sun” is one of many pieces that showcase a different aspect of the Lord in an abstract way. It is a tribute to morning sunrises; hot, sticky summers; and honey-colored days full of peace and the joy that comes in the morning.