New in Nature: Becki Yetman

By Becki Yetman

Photo by Aaron Eisenhauer

My professional role as a journey guide for cancer patients has helped me realize we shouldn’t leave things unsaid. I spend time with family members who have lost their person, and the thing they struggle with most is that they didn’t say certain things. I don’t want to have those regrets. I tell people I love them; I say how much I admire them or that I’m proud of who they are. Thank people. Thank them for who they are in your life, and tell them life is better because they are in it. There is never a wrong time to say an affirmation. Be sincere, and don’t be afraid to say what is on your heart.

When you’ve lost someone you love, it is OK to be sad. You have to feel all the feelings; no one can tell you how to grieve. It is OK to miss someone. If you feel that you are struggling to process your grief, reach out. There are many groups and counselors that specialize in this area; it is not a weakness to ask for help.

1 Comment

  • Jes
    Such sound advice.