An Ocean of Possibilities

Curated by: Kayla Thompson, Adult Services, Cape Girardeau Public Library

The theme for the library’s Summer Reading Program this year is “Ocean of Possibilities.” Get ready to read with these ocean-inspired tales available at the Cape Girardeau Public Library.

The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See: This story follows two young Korean women living off the island of Jeju as forces beyond their control – family, war, politics, etc. – test the bonds of their friendship forged through diving and surviving in their home village.

Pirate Women by Laura Sook Duncombe: A nonfiction book that delves into the history and folklore of female pirates and their legacies. Some existed in real life while others existed in our imaginations but all provide examples of the strength and resilience of women in history.

The Deep by Rivers Solomon: Yetu is a historian. They hold the memories of their people, water-dwelling descendants of drowned pregnant slave women so that they can exist in peace. But the memories are too much, so Yetu flees to the surface where she discovers a world that the mermaid-like beings have forgotten and need to remember again.

The Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery: Follow naturalist, Sy Montgomery, as she explores the world and life of the octopus. Thoroughly researched, Montgomery gives us an inside look into one of the world’s most intelligent creatures.